A Man Who Reads: 5 Books to Inspire You
Books are sexy, and there’s no two ways about it. There’s even an entire Instagram account called “hot dudes reading” - that’s right books are trending. Books are also super rich with content that can lead you deep into a world outside of your own, self-realization and improvement skills, history, art, drama, romance, and science, and so much more. Our goal at Northern Fir is to provide products that enhance your self-confidence and make you look, smell, and feel your absolute best. With that being said, a good book (and maybe a cup of hot coffee) is a great way to compliment a well-groomed beard. Here are our top five picks to inspire you in 2018:

A Walk in the Woods | Bill Bryson is one of our longtime favorite authors. His way of writing about everyday life experiences feels so relatable and easy to follow along. He has lived an adventurous life, and this book is proof that no matter your age, you can accomplish what you set your mind to. As Bryson and his friend walk the Appalachian Trail together, they are reminded of the importance of patience, friendship, and love and learn from one another in a way that is inspiring. Did we mention the Northern Fir signature scent is inspired from hikes along the Appalachian trail?
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind | Written by Yuval Noah Harari, this book gives us a digestible view of our origins that show us how we got here and how connected we all are. The book explores questions and facets of our lineage millions of years old. Harari points out factors that have allowed humans to rise to the top of food chain such as our ability for large-scale cooperation unlike any other species.
You Are a Badass | Need a pick-me-up? This book written by Jen Sincero will rock your world and make you feel like you can do anything. We all need a reminder of our value at times, and this read is sure to get you moving and inspire you to be your best (and most badass) bearded-self.
A History of the World in 6 Glasses | Tom Standadge does a brilliant job of explaining the origins of things like how we toast our glasses before we take a drink. This interesting read illustrates our roots from the Stone Age to the 21st century through the lens of beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola.
Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging | A longtime favorite, this short book written by Sebastian Junger critically examines how veterans coming back from war experience PTSD and how our society is built on values that are inherently against our tribal makeup. This read is well-researched and very compelling and may just inspire you to learn more about ways we can redesign our system to fit our needs as a society.

We only have a few more weeks of winter before spring hits, so what better time than to get in some good reads while it’s still chilly outside. A good way to make reading a priority is to take all the time you would usually watch TV or play videogames and devote that to diving into a book instead. You’ll enrich your mind and possibly catch someone’s attention with what you’re reading, giving you a good reason to strike up a conversation.
At Northern Fir we realize that inspiration comes from inside and out. Set yourself up to be inspired by reading more and opening the full potential of your mind and beard!